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How Medical Billing Works
Medical billing is confusing, complicated, and constantly changing. Getting claims billed out accurately and performing prompt follow up for any problems is critical for the financial success of your practice. Falling short on any of these important tasks will have disastrous effects on your bottom line. However, good billing practices and follow up can simplify your life and greatly improve your cash flow and revenue.
Unfortunately, trends in the medical billing industry have been headed towards inexperienced billers providing services working out of their homes, or with many companies outsourcing work overseas. It is not uncommon to hear of unfortunate situations where medical practices hired an inexperienced biller only to discover their claims were not getting paid, or where their patient information had been breached due to non-HIPAA compliant companies sometimes located out of the country. It is unfortunate but by design, medical billing has been made very difficult by insurance companies. A good billing service knows how to correctly bill and submit clean claims, and how to properly follow up on any problem claims to ensure you get paid appropriately for your services. Make certain to thoroughly check out any billing service before you sign up!
In contrast, a competent and experienced billing service can have a tremendously positive effect on your practice and cash flow. Your time is best spent seeing patients and not managing billing staff or worrying about rejected and denied claims. A good billing service will pay for itself many times over both by reducing unpaid claims, maximizing reimbursement, and freeing up your time to build your practice and see patients.
AMB tailors its services to meet the needs of our clients. This allows us to offer specific services to help your practice run smoothly. Our highly experienced and professional staff can handle your billing needs regardless of specialty or complexity. You can rest easy when partnering with us for your medical billing needs, and be confident that the work we do will be done professionally, accurately, and thoroughly.