Regardless if you agree with government regulation of healthcare or not, MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act) is here, and it isn’t going away. MACRA will impact small practices in a big way. MACRA is going to have a larger, long-term impact on the healthcare business as we know it. The program starts in […]
Avoid Bad Patient Collections Practices
MGMA indicates that in 2010, more than 60% of patient balances are never collected. This is not necessarily completely due to patients refusing to pay. Often, practices don’t understand what patients owe, and payment is not collected at the time of service which is when patients are most willing to pay. Clearly communicating to patients […]
CMS ICD-10 Grace Period Coming to an End
Last October, ICD-9 was replaced with ICD-10. The creation of ICD-10 had many financial resources directed towards it to make this past year a smoother transition for health care providers. Preparations prior to launching the system made for a fairly successful first year without the expected denials and rejections that normally come with implementing a […]