What’s Changing? Beginning this month, April 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will begin mailing new Medicare cards to all active Medicare beneficiaries. The roll out is expected to last about a year. New cards will no longer contain the subscriber’s social security number due to concerns about identity theft. Instead, they will […]
6 Tips to Avoid Physical Therapy Denials
Physical therapy and occupational therapy coding and billing can be quite challenging. As is the case with most specialties, providers need to be aware of what’s expected by each payer to ensure proper reimbursement. Here are six tips to help you avoid physical therapy denials. These tips will ensure proper coding to avoid payer scrutiny, […]
2017 Medical Billing FAQs
Medical Billing FAQs Below are some common medical billing FAQs regarding the Quality Payment Program (QPP), Chronic Care Management (CCM), Telemedicine, and changes in coding that can affect your practice in 2017. Q: Can chronic care management be implemented in any medical field or specialty? A: CCM is intended to be used by the provider […]
MACRA Will Impact Small Practices
Regardless if you agree with government regulation of healthcare or not, MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act) is here, and it isn’t going away. MACRA will impact small practices in a big way. MACRA is going to have a larger, long-term impact on the healthcare business as we know it. The program starts in […]
Avoid Bad Patient Collections Practices
MGMA indicates that in 2010, more than 60% of patient balances are never collected. This is not necessarily completely due to patients refusing to pay. Often, practices don’t understand what patients owe, and payment is not collected at the time of service which is when patients are most willing to pay. Clearly communicating to patients […]